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  • The Willington Week

    Year 1's Sports Day Assembly, Reception Paper Chains in the Playground, Year 2 Dioramas, Year 3 Gymnastic's Trip and U10 Surrey Tennis Champions! 

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  • The Willington Week

    Year 6 Residential to the Lake District, POW Parent & Staff Sports Tournament, Year 2 Florence Nightingale Assembly and Art from the Rainforest

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  • The Willington Week

    Year 2 Great Fire of London Workshop, Year 5 Elevate Study Skills, Nursery Kite Making and our first Tennis Matches

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  • Easter Cultural Trip to Verona

    New Video! 26 pupils from Years 4 to 6 set off on an adventure of a lifetime to Verona.

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  • The Willington Week

    Reception Gardeners, House Point Winners Pizza Lunch, Year 3 Science Experiments, Year 5 Shadow Puppets & Year 6 Monster Wall Clocks

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  • Arts Festival 2024

    Two Jam-Packed Days of Creativity, Workshops, Trips and Quite a Bit of Noise! Check out our Photo Gallery

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  • The Willington Week

    Wonderful Wind in the Willows, Pre-Prep Outdoor Ed in the Sunshine, House Rugby, Van Gogh Portraits, Morden Hill Visit and Fossil Making in Year 3 Science

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  • The Willington Week

    A Mesmerising Spring Concert, Geology Rocks Assembly, Outdoor Learning, Nursery's First Hockey Lesson and Countdown to the Arts Festival

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  • The Willington Week

    Supersonic Mars Day! World Book Day, POW Quiz and Trips to Bocketts Farm, Painshill Park and the Horniman Museum

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  • The Willington Week

    Open House for Parents and a full house for the music recital. Year 6 gymnastics, Year 1 swimming and Heather Galler inspires a new generation of folk artists

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  • 11+ Results 2023/24 - News Just In

    26 Pupils - 78 offers - 10 Scholarships 

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