The Nursery
The Willington Prep Nursery, Wimbledon, for girls and boys aged 3+, is the start of a dedicated two year programme, completed in our Reception class, which follows the Early Years curriculum. This first step in becoming independent learners focuses on:
* communication and language
* physical development
* personal, social and emotional development
* literacy
* mathematics
* understanding the world
* expressive arts and design
Our Nursery education encourages creativity, independence and imagination as the children learn through play and enjoy a free-flow environment with outdoor learning and activities. There is an effective balance between child led and adult led activities throughout the seven areas of learning. The curriculum is topic based and changes half termly. Topics are dependent on the time of year and children's interests. The children's developmental progress is regularly tracked and monitored via a profiling system indicating areas of focus for the future.
Children in our Nursery have access to the broader curriculum of Willington Prep. They will be introduced to language learning with our French teacher, rhythm and rhyme with the Music teacher and make the most of our hall and playgrounds with PE lessons with our specialist teachers. The curriculum is varied and tailored towards the children's needs. Having small class sizes allows for individual learning goals to be set and children to be challenged where appropriate. The flexible curriculum gives the opportunity for different skills to be learnt, from sewing, to cookery, to getting green outside!
Children are gradually introduced to a more structured curriculum to prepare them for their transition to our Reception class, whilst acknowledging that every child is a unique child who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured.
Being part of a small, nurturing community allows children to learn from positive role models, feel a sense of belonging and be their best self as they start their educational journey.