We know what an important decision it is to choose the right school for your child. Many of our parents visit us a number of times, at Open Mornings, or individual meetings, as we guide them through this major milestone in their child's life.
Click here for more information about visiting Willington Prep.
From September 2020 our main entry points to the School are the Nursery (3+) and Reception (4+). We offer a small number of places into Year 3 via 7+. Occasional places may become available in other year groups, so please contact us for advice and further information.
Contact Lucy Walton, Head of Admissions via email (click here) or direct line 020 8971 0452
Use the quicklinks below to navigate information most frequently requested. Our full admissions policy is downloadable below.
Leavers Destinations and Scholarships

"The quality of the pupils' achievements and learning is excellent."
ISI Report 2014