A Wonderful Term for All
We've already had a great start to the new term as we welcomed a number of new boys across the year groups to Willington, and our Reception boys are making the very most of their new outdoor learning area. A busy term is in store for all the boys, starting with the second set of Common Entrance trials for our Year 8 students, for which we wish them the very best of luck. Below is just a snapshot of some of the great events instore for our boys to enjoy:
- Four performances of our much anticipated play, "Robin & the Sherwood Hoodies" featuring boys from Years 3 to 8
- A varied programme of trips, including the Florence Nightingale Museum, Natural History Museum, Brooklands, Nausicaa Sea Centre in France, a Geography Field Day to Box Hill and a host of post-exam activities for our Year 8 boys
- Junior "Share My Learning Morning" for parents
- Resilience Workshop
- Restless Triathlon
- Arts Festival including the outstanding Gala Concert with the Festival Chorus (click here to read more)
- Chorister Summer Concert at Queens Court Care Home and our Summer Term Choral and Orchestral Concert
- Sports Day and a vast array of Cricket fixtures throughout the term
- POW Parents and Staff Football Tournament and BBQ
All this, alongside the brilliant teaching and learning that happens every day at Willington.
Wishing everyone a wonderful term.
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