Happy New Year!

Spring Term Highlights
Welcome back to an exciting new term at Willington! As we step into 2024, our calendar is brimming with activities and events that promise a term full of learning and fun. Trips include a History Experience for Year 5s as they step back to Victorian times at Holly Lodge, Richmond Park, Nursery are off to the Natural History Museum and Year 3 will be heading to the Science Museum.
A bumper term of house competitions are lined up across the year groups, from Chess and Rubik's Cube to Word Search Challenges. And talking of competitions, staff and parents will be battling it out once more at the POW Quiz Night in February.
On the sporting front, rugby and hockey fixtures will see all children in Years 3 to 6 representing the school, and Year 5 have an exciting Gymnastics Trip to Sutton Sports Park in the diary.
Our musicians are in for a treat with a music-making day at St John's and a Strings Day at Epsom College, as well as our in-house music recital and Spring concert. All this excitement culminates in our fabulous Arts Festival at the end of March, a celebration of creativity and expression.
Wishing everyone a fabulous term.