Inspection Report - May 2014
Willington School was inspected in May 2014 and below is a sample of the inspection findings. A full copy of the inspection report can be downloaded from the link below or from the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) website at:
‘The quality of pupils’ achievements and learning is excellent.’
‘The spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils is excellent.’
‘Open and supportive relationships between staff and pupils and amongst pupils themselves underpin a strong and purposeful community.’
‘Pupils’ self-esteem is high because they are valued as individuals and their achievements are celebrated’.
‘Pupils of all ages are eloquent and communicate their ideas very effectively and fluently. Throughout the school, they are confident, both with each other and when discussing issues in class with their teachers.’
‘Pupils make good progress as they move through the school and gain places at senior schools of their choice, with high levels of success in entrance and scholarship examinations.’
‘Years 7 and 8 pupils are very well prepared for scholarships and entrance examinations’.
‘Music is a particular strength of the school. In particular, the standard of singing in the choirs is exceptional and the quality of instrumental music, exemplified in the well-supported school orchestra and music scholarship programme, is very high.’
‘Within the positive and supportive ethos of the school community, pupils become confident and considerate young people, who are extremely well prepared for their senior schools. They are thoughtful and sensitive to the world around them and have a strong sense of moral responsibility towards the school and the wider world beyond. Pastoral care is good throughout the school and pupils flourish within a caring environment.’
‘The school makes considerable efforts to manage a very open approach to communication between parents and teachers. Parents feel welcome and able to approach teachers with questions or concerns, which are dealt with swiftly and effectively.’
‘Parents expressed in responses to the questionnaire that they are extremely happy with the school and all it provides for their children.’
‘The views of parents in response to the questionnaire were very positive. They feel that the level of communication from the school is very effective and aids them in supporting their children’s learning and personal development. They appreciate the emphasis that the school places on high standards of behaviour, the breadth of the curriculum on offer, the wide programme of extra-curricular activities and the information they receive about their children’s progress, academically and pastorally.’