Joining Us at 4+ (Reception)
Children joining us in the Nursery, are guaranteed entry to Reception. We typically offer around 15 places each year for children to join us in Reception. These places are offered 18 months in advance of the expected start date.
Click here for our online Registration Form. Those families who have not yet visited the School are invited to join an Open Morning or to book an individual meeting with the Headmaster.
Discovery Morning
Offer, Acceptance of Places & First Term's Fees
Offers will be sent 18 months in advance of children joining Reception, following the Discovery Morning and in line with our admissions policy. Priority will be given to those families who already have a child at the School. Due to limited places, pupils may be given a waiting list place and will be offered a place in line with our admissions policy, when a space becomes available.
Acceptance of Places
Parents will receive a formal offer letter and will be asked to return the signed Parent Contract and security deposit of £2,000 (non-refundable if the child is withdrawn from the School before joining) with a two-week acceptance deadline.
First Term's Fees
The first term's fees will be payable by the first day of the preceding Summer term. Once your child has started at the school, invoices will be sent out at the end of each preceding term and fees will be payable by or on the first day of the term.
Willington Induction Programme
We hold a number of informal events to familiarise your son/daughter (and you) with ‘big school’. Our tried and tested formula sees children starting with us confidently in the September and it gives our teachers the opportunity to get to know everyone. Formal events include:
Playtime in the Nursery - a coffee morning for parents and children held in our Nursery.
Meet the Teacher morning – a midweek visit for the children to familiarise themselves with their new environment.
New Parents’ Evening – a midweek event for our new parents, where the Reception team take parents through day-to-day logistics and helpful tips for getting the children ready for school.